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Üstteki Üyeye Şarkı Sözleriyle Cevap Verme


Önerilen Mesajlar

Bir an gelir düşersem aklına

Kalbin kadar yakın bi yerdeyim

Yalnız uyandığında bir sabah

Benimle olduğun günlerdeyim

Sakın ağlama sil gözyaşlarını

Yanındayım inan ki senleyim

İstersen rüzgarlarda

Gör bak yağmurlardayım

Parlak yıldızlardayım.......

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ağzından yel alsın daha yaş 15 ne bu karamsarlık :(.......



Sevdim seni bir kere

Başkasını sevemem

Deli diyorlar bana

Desinler değişemem

Desinler değişemem

Daha yolun başındasın

Değişirsin diyorlar

Oysa sana çıkıyor

Bildiğim bütün yollaaar..... ... ..

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yok, şöyle..

suzanne takes you down to her place newer the river

you can hear the boats go by

you can spend the night beside her

and you know that shes half crazy

but thats why you want to be there

and she feeds you tea and oranges

that come all the way from china

and just when you mean to tell her

that you have no love to give her

then she gets you on her wavelength

and she lets the river answer

that youve always been her lover

and you want to travel with her

and you want to travel blind

and you know that she will trust you

for youve touched her perfect body with your mind.


and jesus was a sailor

when he walked upon the water

and he spent a long time watching

from his lonely wooden tower

and when he knew for certain

only drowning men could see him

he said all men will be sailors then

until the sea shall free them

but he himself was broken

long before the sky would open

forsaken, almost human

he sank beneath your wisdom like a stone

and you want to travel with him

and you want to travel blind

and you think maybe youll trust him

for hes touched your perfect body with his mind.


now suzanne takes you hand

and she leads you to the river

she is wearing rags and feathers

from salvation army counters

and the sun pours down like honey

on our lady of the harbour

and she shows you where to look

among the garbage and the flowers

there are heroes in the seaweed

there are children in the morning

they are leaning out for love

and they will lean that way forever

while suzanne holds the mirror

and you want to travel with her

and you want to travel blind

and you know that she will trust you

for shes touched your perfect body with her mind.

Leonard Cohen / Suzanne

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