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Demons & Wizards Şarkı Sözleri


Önerilen Mesajlar

I've stained the land

Milleniums i've prayed

Now i know there's no release


Since paradise is lost

I hold a crown

I know your name

But i am just your

Fallen angel of doom


Thus heaven denies

Refused for all times

I am not guilty at all


Deadlands, wastelands

Darkness will cover my mind

And oblivion shall reign

I made up my mind

And oblivion shall reign through the night

Deadlands, wastelands

Darkness will cover my mind

And oblivion shall reign


Still we are one, you and i

Realize, i did what you wanted me to


The lack of pure souls and the fading light

It's me you blame


First there was light

Then came the night

Cruel nothingness


Hope turns to despair

There's no one in these barren lands

The lust for light

I'm sure that it will fade

It will fade

Spiritus sanctus

The lust for light

I'm sure that it will fade

Spiritus sanctus


Eternal hell

Yorum bağlantısı
Diğer sitelerde paylaş

Sohbete katıl

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