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Royal Hunt Şarkı Sözleri


Önerilen Mesajlar

Royal Hunt - Long way home

When the night is calling I shut another door

celebrating loneliness I've never known before I

miss a place to call my own - it's a long way home


In my open prison cell just everything I've got

disappeared in silence every word I've said is not

and now I'm lost all alone - it's long way home


It's a long way, but even longer for the blind and

I've been searching way too long still I can't

find the place where I belong it's a long way home


You see me suffer on my knees - I wish I knew just

what it means you watch us come, you watch us go -

he tells me something I don't know you've set me

up, I thought I'm free - just tell me where you

wanna be another step and I'll be gone - what will

you do can be undone


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